California...the name conjures in the imagination stunning mountains, raging rivers, and dramatic coastal scenery. Hollywood, Disneyland, Yosemite, Redwoods, San Franciso, LA to name but a few of the many natural and man-made attractions in this huge state.
Other major features of California include Death Valley, the Mojave Desert, the San Andreas Fault, the romantic San Francisco Bay area and the majestic Sequoias.
The American River is where gold was discovered in the 1800s. Now, Sutters Fort in downtown Sacramento offers a glimpse into that illustrious past.
California has over 200 state parks and recreational areas. National Parks are Yosemite, Kings Canyon, Redwoods, Lassen Volcanic, and Sequoia. State-sponsored attractions include Gray Whale Cove State Beach, McArthur-Burney Falls State Park, Tule Elk State Reserve, and many portions of the Redwood park system.
California's Central Valley with itÅ› huge agricultural production is the dominant part of the central portion of the state.
Southern California is home to the most important ¨image makers"in the world, and what happens in Californa often becomes the new trend for the world.